The Metropolitan North region Music Resource Centre provides access to the Instrumental Music (IM) Program for Metropolitan North region schools not eligible for a face to face program due to size or distance through the IM Online Program.
What is on offer
The aim of this program is to offer instrumental music lessons to small or remote schools via the internet. Students enrol in the program as a remote student through the Metropolitan North region Music Resource Centre. Students access a weekly 30-minute instrumental music lesson as well as regular face to face workshops, camps and performance opportunities.
How it works
Once the students are enrolled (enrolment is assisted by a liaison teacher at each school) and equipment/instruments have been sourced, students will begin weekly 30 minute Instrumental Music (IM) lessons. Lessons are available to all IM curriculum levels, and on most woodwind, brass and string instruments.
Students leave their regular class in order to attend their IM lesson.
The teacher will also negotiate school visits once a term.
Times are negotiated with each school.
Participating schools are asked to
- safe and appropriate lesson space
- appropriate technology to enable lessons to run effectively
- appropriate level of supervision during lesson times
- a school based contact to liaise with the IM teacher and to assist with student management and workshop events
- One School reporting access.
If interested please contact the Regional Music Coordinator at the Metropolitan North region Music Resource Centre at or (07) 3354 0234.